Cerflun Cymunedol Cranogwen Community Monument
A project celebrating the ambition and success of our pioneering local heroine Cranogwen, who was a 19th-century mariner, teacher, poet, journalist, preacher and campaigner from Llangrannog, West Wales.
In association with Monumental Welsh Women, a group aspiring to raise 5 statues of 5 real Welsh women in 5 years, we unveiled Cranogwen, created by local sculptor Sebastien Boyesen, on 10 June 2023.
You can find out more about Cranogwen here: why she is so inspirational, and why we felt having a statue of her was so important. There are also lots of photos and reports of the unveiling day and our fringe events, including theatre, tall ships, a book launch, an art exhibition, Talwrn y Beirdd and fundraising events. Answers to questions about the statue, poetry etc. are also here.
Gallwch ddarganfod mwy am Cranogwen yma: pam ei bod mor ysbrydoledig, a pham ein bod yn teimlo bod cael cerflun ohoni mor bwysig. Mae yna hefyd lawer o luniau ac adroddiadau o ddiwrnod y dadorchuddio a’n digwyddiadau ymylol, gan gynnwys theatr, llongau uchel, lansiad llyfr, arddangosfa gelf, Talwrn y Beirdd a digwyddiadau codi arian. Mae atebion i gwestiynau am y cerflun, barddoniaeth ac ati yma hefyd.
Prosiect i ddathlu uchelgais a llwyddiant ein harwres flaengar Cranogwen. Roedd hi’n forwr, athrawes, bardd, newyddiadurwr, pregethwr ac ymgyrchydd o Langrannog, Ceredigion.
Croeso i’r wefan Cranogwen.org, hanes y prosiect Cerflun Cymunedol Cranogwen. Mae’r wefan hon yn personnol, a does dim ond fi sy’n gweithio arno. Cymraeg yw fy ail iaith, felly bydd y rhan mwyaf o’r deunydd yn Saesneg. Ond dw i’n ceisio defnyddio Cymraeg a ddysgu mwy a mwy!
Welcome to the Cranogwen.org website, a record of the Cranogwen Community Statue project. This is a personally-owned website run by one person; Welsh is my second language so much of it will be in English.