
Cranogwen yn fyw…

The life-sized framework has now been created and Seb and Kezi his assistant will now begin the clay modelling onto it. Smaller details such as buttons, pocket embroidery and her collar will be done separately. The plinth has been modelled in fibreglass to allow detailed work.

The head will be sculpted separately, and the hands will be re-cast and detailed.

Cranogwen’s little dog Fan will be readied soon to sit at her side!

Seb has generously offered to have another Open Studio in December/January to show their progress.

We hope you agree it looks really exciting, and that it is finally coming to life. Thank you again for all your support, and if you feel you can give a little more, we need to raise more for the garden redevelopment and spiralling costs for materials. Diolch.

Mae’r fframwaith maint llawn bellach wedi’i greu a bydd Seb a Kezi ei gynorthwyydd yn dechrau ar y modelu clai arno. Bydd manylion llai fel botymau, brodwaith poced a’i choler yn cael eu gwneud ar wahân. Mae’r plinth wedi’i fodelu mewn gwydr ffibr i ganiatáu gwaith manwl.

Bydd y pen yn cael ei gerflunio ar wahân, a bydd y dwylo’n cael eu hail-gastio a’u manylu.

Bydd Fan ci bach Cranogwen yn barod yn fuan i eistedd wrth ei hochr!

Mae Seb wedi cynnig yn hael i gael Stiwdio Agored arall ym mis Rhagfyr/Ionawr i ddangos eu cynnydd.

Gobeithio eich bod yn cytuno ei fod yn edrych yn gyffrous iawn, a’i fod yn dod yn fyw o’r diwedd. Diolch eto am eich holl gefnogaeth, ac os teimlwch y gallwch roi ychydig mwy, mae angen i ni godi mwy ar gyfer ailddatblygu’r ardd a chostau troellog ar gyfer deunyddiau. Diolch.

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