Thank you to the ‘Helo Blod‘ translation service for providing translation for the lines of poetry on Cranogwen’s dress. There is a guide now posted on the information board. This is not a poetic interpretation but a more literal translation; we hope you enjoy it. All of ‘Caniadau Cranogwen‘ is available digitally on the National […]
Tag: cerflun
Dadorchuddio Cerflun Cranogwen dydd Sadwrn 10ed mis Mehefin 12.00 Cyhoedd yn ymgynnull yn y Gwersyll (parcio rhwng Canolfan Treftadaeth & Canolfan Hamdden) 12.50 Hewl yn cau 13.00 GWERSYLL YR URDD […]
Bydd y dadorchuddio yn ddathliad creadigol ac uchelgeisiol fydd yn adleisio elfennau o gyrhaeddiadau arloesol a niferus Cranogwen. Diolch i Monumental Welsh Women, nawdd Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales, cefnogaeth Llenyddiaeth Cymru / Literature Wales ac Urdd Gobaith Cymru bydd llu o artistiad yn rhan o’r digwyddiad gydag artistiaid lleol i Geredigion […]
The unveiling of the Cranogwen statue in Llangrannog, a partnership between CCCCM and Monumental Welsh Women, will be a creative and ambitious celebration that will echo elements of Cranogwen’s many innovative achievements. Thanks to the sponsorship of the Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales with the support of Llenyddiaeth Cymru / Literature Wales […]
Above you can find info on the road closure on Saturday 10 June for the procession. The road will be clear early morning for deliveries. The event starts at 11am in the Gwersyll yr Urdd. We want this event to be a positive one for visitors, our supporters, our team and the businesses. Full traffic […]
Ffion Hague
** Cranogwen Statue update – English below ** Diolch o galon i’r hyfryd Ffion Hague a’r criw am ddod i sgwrsio gyda ni yn y Pentre am brosiect cerflun Cranogwen. Buon ni’n siarad ar gamera am gychwyn y prosiect rhyw bedair blynedd yn ôl, sut mae stori Cranogwen wedi apelio at gynulleidfa eang iawn, sut […]
Gwaith Cranogwen Work – Clay
Y diweddaraf am Gerflun Cranogwen: Mae Kezi Ferguson a Seb Boyesen yn gweithio ar orchuddio’r model o Cranogwen mewn clai ac yn rhoi’r manylion yr wythnos hon. Kezi Ferguson and Seb Boyesen are working on covering the model of Cranogwen in clay and rendering the details this week.
Cranogwen yn fyw…
The life-sized framework has now been created and Seb and Kezi his assistant will now begin the clay modelling onto it. Smaller details such as buttons, pocket embroidery and her collar will be done separately. The plinth has been modelled in fibreglass to allow detailed work. The head will be sculpted separately, and the hands […]
Dyma rai lluniau o’r gwaith paratoi ar gyfer y sganio 3D. Diolch i Winnie am fodelu fel Ffran, ci bach Cranogwen. Here are some shots from last week’s staging, 3D scanning and processing of information. Thanks to Winnie for standing in as Cranogwen’s little dog Fran! Ychwanegu awel fach i’r ffabrig. Adding a little wind […]
Caniatâd cynllunio!
Mae’n bleser gan Dîm Cerflun Cymunedol Cranogwen gyhoeddi ein bod wedi cael caniatâd cynllunio ar gyfer cerflun Cranogwen, a’r gwaith o adnewyddu’r ardd gymunedol lle bydd y cerflun yn y pendraw. Bydd hyn yn deyrnged deilwng i Cranogwen, arwres arloesol Llangrannog. Bydd y cerflun a’r plinth yn 2.3m o uchder. Bydd y waliau llechen gwreiddiol […]