Dadorchuddio Cerflun Cranogwen dydd Sadwrn 10ed mis Mehefin 12.00 Cyhoedd yn ymgynnull yn y Gwersyll (parcio rhwng Canolfan Treftadaeth & Canolfan Hamdden) 12.50 Hewl yn cau 13.00 GWERSYLL YR URDD […]
Category: Gwaith
Gwaith Cranogwen Work – Clay
Y diweddaraf am Gerflun Cranogwen: Mae Kezi Ferguson a Seb Boyesen yn gweithio ar orchuddio’r model o Cranogwen mewn clai ac yn rhoi’r manylion yr wythnos hon. Kezi Ferguson and Seb Boyesen are working on covering the model of Cranogwen in clay and rendering the details this week.
Cranogwen yn fyw…
The life-sized framework has now been created and Seb and Kezi his assistant will now begin the clay modelling onto it. Smaller details such as buttons, pocket embroidery and her collar will be done separately. The plinth has been modelled in fibreglass to allow detailed work. The head will be sculpted separately, and the hands […]
Dyma rai lluniau o’r gwaith paratoi ar gyfer y sganio 3D. Diolch i Winnie am fodelu fel Ffran, ci bach Cranogwen. Here are some shots from last week’s staging, 3D scanning and processing of information. Thanks to Winnie for standing in as Cranogwen’s little dog Fran! Ychwanegu awel fach i’r ffabrig. Adding a little wind […]
Gwaith wedi dechrau ar yr ardd. Diolch yn fawr iawn iawn pawb am eich cefnogaeth ar JustGiving. Bydd e’n le hyfryd am y cerflun Cranogwen. Work has started on the garden. Thank you SO much everyone for your generous support on the JustGiving page. This will be a lovely spot for Cranogwen’s statue.
Carreg Cranogwen
Work undertaken in late May 2022 to cast the stone that Cranogwen’s statue will stand on. This is Traeth Morfa Bach, close to Llangrannog. Thanks to Kezi, Seb’s mentee, for essential work, and Phil Harris for getting the team there.