
Gwaith Gwisg Cranogwen | Scanning Cranogwen’s Dress

Cranogwen a Fran

Dyma rai lluniau o’r gwaith paratoi ar gyfer y sganio 3D. Diolch i Winnie am fodelu fel Ffran, ci bach Cranogwen. Here are some shots from last week’s staging, 3D scanning and processing of information. Thanks to Winnie for standing in as Cranogwen’s little dog Fran!

Adding wind to the fabric of the dress

Ychwanegu awel fach i’r ffabrig. Adding a little wind to the fabric.

Gwisgo’r model 3D maint go iawn yng ngwisg Cranogwen. Dressing the 3D life size model in Cranogwen’s costume.


Scanning. Scanio.

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