9fed o mis Ionawr oedd penblwydd Cranogwen. Cafodd hi bach o trwbwl gyda’r gwylan drwg, wedyn aethon ni lan i ei ganhau hi. Cawod bach poeth ac yn edrych yn lot well nawr!
Author: kathryndawes
TivySide – Hanes Cranogwen
An English-language article on the history of Cranogwen in Ceredigion’s TivySide Advertiser newspaper, Jan 2024.
Penblwydd hapus
Unveiling Speeches
Below are the speeches given by Anne-Marie Bollen, Cerflun Cranogwen Community Monument project leader, at the Gwersyll Llangrannog and at the statue unveiling at the village Garden, 10 June 2023. Garden speech Cranogwen, the people of this village remember your pioneering achievements with gratitude. Some here today are your descendants. Seb Boyesen, our gifted local […]
Thank you to the ‘Helo Blod‘ translation service for providing translation for the lines of poetry on Cranogwen’s dress. There is a guide now posted on the information board. This is not a poetic interpretation but a more literal translation; we hope you enjoy it. All of ‘Caniadau Cranogwen‘ is available digitally on the National […]
Barddoniaeth y Cerflun
Dyma’r barddoniaeth sy ar y ffrog Cranogwen. Here is the poetry that is on Cranogwen’s dress. We are working on translations so everyone can enjoy her joyful, passionate words. FAN (ci bach Cranogwen’s little dog) Os nad all fyn’d o gartref, I wneyd gorchestion mawr, Mae’n gwylio yma ar bob pryd, A’i llygad […]
Dadorchuddio Cerflun Cranogwen dydd Sadwrn 10ed mis Mehefin 12.00 Cyhoedd yn ymgynnull yn y Gwersyll (parcio rhwng Canolfan Treftadaeth & Canolfan Hamdden) 12.50 Hewl yn cau 13.00 GWERSYLL YR URDD […]
…almost! A Community and Commemoration Project in Llangrannog Llangrannog Welfare Committee members, along with the Cranogwen statue team (CCCCM) and community volunteers, have almost finished the renovation of the beloved Gardd y Pentref – Village Garden, located between Banc-y-Felin chapel and Y Gerwn waterfall on the road down to the beach. The first JustGiving page […]
Bydd y dadorchuddio yn ddathliad creadigol ac uchelgeisiol fydd yn adleisio elfennau o gyrhaeddiadau arloesol a niferus Cranogwen. Diolch i Monumental Welsh Women, nawdd Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales, cefnogaeth Llenyddiaeth Cymru / Literature Wales ac Urdd Gobaith Cymru bydd llu o artistiad yn rhan o’r digwyddiad gydag artistiaid lleol i Geredigion […]
The unveiling of the Cranogwen statue in Llangrannog, a partnership between CCCCM and Monumental Welsh Women, will be a creative and ambitious celebration that will echo elements of Cranogwen’s many innovative achievements. Thanks to the sponsorship of the Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales with the support of Llenyddiaeth Cymru / Literature Wales […]